Psychic Lucid Dreams Spiritual Bath

Psychic Lucid Dreams Spiritual Bath - 15 oz Package

Unlock the hidden mysteries of your subconscious mind and explore the depths of your psyche with our Psychic Lucid Dreams Spiritual Bath. This carefully crafted blend of Epsom salt, Blue Lotus, mugwort, lavender, roses, chamomile, rose hips, orange peel, and Florida Water has been designed to enhance your dream experiences, promote relaxation, and stimulate psychic awareness.


Epsom Salt: Known for its soothing and relaxation properties.
Blue Lotus: Revered for its dream-enhancing qualities and spiritual significance.
Mugwort: A powerful herb for lucid dreaming and psychic experiences.
Lavender: Promotes relaxation and peaceful sleep.
Roses: Symbolize love and are believed to bring positive energy to your dreams.
Chamomile: Soothes the mind and encourages a restful sleep.
Rose Hips: Packed with vitamins and antioxidants for overall well-being.
Orange Peel: Uplifts the spirit and adds a zesty twist.
Florida Water: A traditional spiritual cologne for purification and protection.

For a rejuvenating and insightful bath, add 1/4 cup of this Psychic Lucid Dreams blend to your bathwater. Let the warm water and aromatic herbs envelop you as you unwind and prepare for a night of extraordinary dreams and heightened psychic awareness. Allow the fragrant herbs to stimulate your senses and guide you into a state of deep relaxation.

Begin filling your bath with warm water.
Add 1/4 cup of the Psychic Lucid Dreams Spiritual Bath blend as the water flows.
Stir the water gently to ensure the salts and herbs dissolve.
Submerge yourself in the soothing waters and let your mind drift into the realm of lucid dreams and psychic exploration.
Stay in the bath for at least 15-20 minutes to fully experience the benefits of the blend.

Note: It's important to conduct a patch test on your skin to ensure that you do not have any allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients in this bath blend. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. This product is intended for spiritual and self-care purposes and is not a substitute for medical treatment or advice.

Explore the world of dreams and psychic insight with our Psychic Lucid Dreams Spiritual Bath. Elevate your bathing ritual and set the stage for remarkable experiences.
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